

Monday, February 16, 2009


Addie is such a character. She is already showing so much spunk and independence. She rarely lets me put her to sleep, it is always Jeff who puts her down at night. Well she has another ear infection so I've been trying to give her more and longer naps. Yesterday I tried several times to get her to sleep to no avail, so I went about my activities. After a while, I noticed she went over and sat on the rug in the kitchen and then Logan said to look at Addie and sure enough she had fallen asleep sitting up propped up next to the cabinets. I took a picture of her and had a little laugh. She is always falling asleep in her high chair and in the car. Poor girl is so exhausted.

Logan shared one of his Oreos with Addie. This is what I found after I got out of the shower.

Logan and his cousin Caden lovin' little Addison...