

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jensen's Birth Announcement


Jensen had his first photo shoot when he was 2 weeks old. Jeff's niece, Heather, took some great pictures of him. We only got a few with his eyes open, but they sure did turn out beautiful or handsome. We weren't really planning on taking any with the kids because Logan had pink eye at the time. But the one with Logan and Addie kissing him on the head was too precious to pass up. Good job, Jeff, you make a wonderful hand model.:)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeff!!!

Jeff's 42nd Birthday was spent in style this year at La Caille restaurant. We've always wanted to go back there for dinner since we went for Jeff's work Christmas party 4 years ago. This place does not disappoint. What a wonderfully delicious meal consisting of shrimp cocktail, warm spinach salad, tenderloin for me and halibut for Jeff, with a dessert trio of creme brulee, chocolate molten cake and beignets. Yum Yum... Thanks Jeff for having a birthday and really treating me to a great night out. Love ya!!!!

Welcome home Baby Jensen...

Our newest addition to the Taggart household...

Jensen Diederich Taggart - born May 17th at 1:10 p.m. - weighing 7 lbs 5 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. His delivery was so fast - only two pushes. I guess that makes up for the 2 months of intense itching and pain Mom got to endure with her liver disease (cholestasis). He had a few problems with his lungs not drying out, so he got to spend all his hospital time in the Special Care unit at Timpanogos Hospital. He is doing so much better now.

Dr. Lamoreaux was on-call that day and delivered Jensen. He is such a wonderful, kind Doctor and of course it helps that he is friends with my brother Troy.

Some Mommy/baby bonding time before they whisked him off to Special Care for the next 4 days.

Daddy time with Jensen. He was hooked up to some many IV's and machines. His poor hands were both riddled with IV's so they then had to insert one into his head. That was so hard to see.

Big sister Addie holding him for the first time the day we took him home...

Big brother's turn...

Jensen meeting his brother and 4 sisters for the first time:)

Logan's 6th Birthday Bowling Bash!!!

Logan chose to go bowling for this birthday party this year. Lehi has a brand-new bowling alley in town called Jack-n-Jill's. He got to take 6 of his closest friends and cousins. They were ready to go play in the arcade after about 3 bowling frames, but we made them complete all 10.

I can't believe Logan is 6 already, he has grown by leaps and bounds this year. Still skinny as a rail, but has gotten quite a bit taller (his pants are almost floods - time for summer and shorts.) Happy Birthday Logan...we love you so much and are so proud of you!!!

Hop to IT!!!

Logan and Addie enjoying the beaters from the chocolate cupcakes we made for Easter. Why does it have to get all over their faces???

We got to spend Easter/General Conference weekend up at Bear Lake. Luckily the Easter Bunny found them there. Here's Logan after capturing all the "Bunny poop" (jelly beans) and Addie with her new headband.

Our annual tradition of decorating Easter cookies at Grandma's house. The kids always love this, even the older ones...

Grandma helping Addie open up her eggs from the egg hunt and discovering all the loot. They each went home with around $20 in quarters, dimes and nickles. Pretty heavy bags to say the least.

All the Diederich cousins at the Easter egg hunt...